Thursday, November 5, 2009

Starting somewhere

Hello everyone. Yes this is me, starting a blog. I know that there is a massive sea of blogs out there, about a wide range of topics. Looking at this cavalcade of opinion and ideas, I figured it wouldn’t hurt to toss my two cents into that chaos. Even if my whisper cannot be heard amongst the hurricane of bloggers out here on the internet, I’d still have given it a shot.

You may be asking yourself why the blog would be named “The Dinner Bell.” It is named after the experiments done by Ivan Pavlov on dogs in the 1890s. Well, in all honesty, the name was inspired by the song written by the band They Might Be Giants about the same subject. I chose this because it had some relation to psychology, as well as sounding somewhat clever.

I am a student of psychology, both in that I am in school for the subject, and that I read and explore concepts outside of the required learning of the classroom. I am by no means a professional yet, but I thought that this forum could be helpful in sparking discussions, as well as documenting my growth as a student.

I hope you enjoy what I have to say, and I always welcome new ideas and discussions.

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